Sunday, September 28, 2008

Comet & Mom

Here is a picture of me & my Mom. It was taken by Kaitlin in July 2008 in our family room.
I am looking good!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Westie Slideshow

We needed some photos on my blog, so my Mom explored Blogger tools and added a cool Westie slideshow. What I want her to do next is snap some pictures of me with a digital camera and post them. That will give my blog a personal touch!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

My Stitches Are Out!

Yesterday my Mom took me to Heart River Animal Hospital to have my sutures removed. It was exciting to go on a car trip and see my friends at Heart River.

The first thing I did was step on the scale to get weighed. It is so hard to stand still! Really, I cannot do it. I am not a stand-still kind of girl. Everyone's best guess about my weight was 17.4 pounds. I lost some pounds when I was sick. Now I can eat more to make up for it!

My Heart River friends took me in the back room to take my stitches out. It only took a couple of minutes and then we were on our way home again.

My Mom says that the next thing on the list is making an appointment for a bath and a haircut. I wasn't supposed to have a bath until after the stitches were out. My Mom says I stink! And, you know, it's true. I need a bath!

Thursday, September 4, 2008


I love IAMS canned food. I got to eat it when I was recovering from my surgery and it was GOOOOOD!!!! Now my 'rents are giving me my regular dry, brown food again. I can't go back! I won't!

Give me IAMS. Please. If you love me, you would.